Waste and Recycling Collection Using Refuse Equipment from Labrie

How do you improve the safety of operating a garbage truck?
To protect waste collection personnel from injury, there are a number of Labrie Refuse Equipment innovations that can help to minimize accidents and repetitive strain, while improving efficiency.
– Lower Loading Sill Heights and Drop Frames – reduce the workload of manual loading
– Optional Back-up Cameras – gives the driver a full view of the rear of the truck
– Helping Hand Hydraulic Arms and Cart Tippers – help to reduce injuries from lifting overweight items
Other Guidelines for Safely Operating Garbage Trucks:
– Always wear your PPE (reflective vest, gloves, etc.)
– Don’t ride on step when truck is backing
– Don’t ride on step when truck is going more than 15km/h or 300m
– Drivers – wear your seatbelt and watch for other vehicles
– Don’t stand behind truck when it is ejecting / cycling
– Lift waste properly / bend at the knees
– Do not lift trash that is overweight or appears to have sharp objects inside
– Don’t stand behind a backing truck
With Joe Johnson Equipment (JJE) you can get expert advice and information on various Labrie Refuse Equipment for municipal waste collection. JJE offers a wide variety of Labrie garbage trucks and accessories that are designed to maximize efficiency and safety and reduce total cost of ownership.
What are the most important tools and equipment used in waste management?
There is a wide variety of refuse equipment designed to keep municipalities clear of waste.
• Side loader, rear loader and front loader refuse trucks
• Cart tippers and hydraulic arms
• Safety equipment such as 360-degree cameras
Learn More About Labrie Refuse Trucks
Labrie is one of North America’s largest manufacturers of equipment for the solid waste industry. Their brands include Labrie Side Loaders, Leach Rear Loaders, and Wittke Front Loaders. Joe Johnson Equipment is an authorized dealer for Labrie trucks and offers these essential tools for municipalities and private companies:
Labrie Alleygator Pro-cv
The Labrie Alleygator Pro-cv is an adaptable garbage truck which has a wide range of lifting devices that can be configured for manual, semi-automated and fully automated collection. Two-sided collection is also an option. This unit can be suitable for organics, waste and recycling. It offers continuous packing technology. It is compact and has a short wheelbase for easy maneuverability.
Leach Rear Loading Trucks
JJE offers two Labrie Leach rear loading garbage trucks, the Alpha III & 2R-III. These full-duty vehicles have fast hydraulics and ejection force, along with high compaction ratings. The Leach rear loading garbage trucks also have a lower load sill height for easier loading and injury prevention. They are suitable for residential and commercial collection.
Both of these heavy-duty machines offer super productivity, with features that reduce maintenance costs and optimize productivity to optimize the total cost of ownership.
Labrie Side Loading Trucks
Side loading garbage trucks can offer greater curbside efficiency. The Labrie Automizer Right Hand is a side-loading vehicle that is designed to fully automate residential and commercial waste and recycling collection. It features excellent compaction and load distribution and is designed to reduce fuel consumption and noise pollution.
The best-in-class hydraulics offer precise and secure control of the automated arm. The tapered body design is also adaptable to permit split carts and standard carts to avoid spillage and cross contamination.
Labrie Expert 2000 Side Loader
This side loading garbage truck has a drop frame for easier loading. It’s adaptable to manual, semi-automated, and fully automated waste collection. The short distance from cab to wheelbase makes it highly efficient. Because it is also readily adaptable for single stream or co-mingle waste collection it is one of the most adaptable units available.
The Labrie Expert 2000 offers best in class hydraulics and options, such as a camera system for safer operation.
Labrie Minimax Truck
The Labrie Minimax is a smaller truck, which is ideal for short routes, missed pickups, parks and rec waste collection, airports, and more. This side-loading waste collection truck has optional configurations for manual, semi-automatic and automatic collection, and full eject dumping for easy off-loading.
Labrie Top Select Truck
The Labrie Top Select is adaptable to both manual and semi-automatic collection. It is the most sold unit in its class in North America with 3,000 in operation today. The adjustable compartments optimize curbside collection and onsite sorting. It is available in dual side loading configurations.
Wittke Front Loading Trucks
Joe Johnson Equipment carries three Wittke refuse collection vehicles. Both the Superduty and Starlight units feature Hardox treated steel plates. The Hardox treated steel plates are used to make the body stronger and abrasion resistant. They offer faster load time and the heaviest payloads ever.
The Wittke PCO-cv has all the features and benefits of the front loader but is built specifically for commercial organics collection. It has a liquid tight hopper, a pendulum packer, and a watertight tailgate seal. With 10,000lbs lifting capacity it can carry the heaviest organic loads.
For expert advice and information on all your Labrie Refuse Equipment, contact Joe Johnson Equipment today.