Replace or Repair: What You Need To Know About Sewer Cameras

Sewer cameras are an extremely useful tool that allows you to visually inspect underground sewer lines, buried pipes, and more. A sewer camera can reach inaccessible, dark underground areas with ease, giving you HD visibility. Since sewer cameras contain their own light source, they are able to check for a number of damages and blockages, including:

  • Cracked or worn pipes
  • Pipes with holes or broken parts
  • Dislodged pipes
  • Blockages
  • Dirt buildup, obstructions, and the causes of them
  • Back-pitched pipes

As the camera moves towards its intended location, it provides real-time, HD video playback displayed using a monitor or iPad. This allows the technician to target the problem area and pinpoint its exact location. 

A camera tractor and a service truck may be used for large diameter pipes. A camera tractor is sent through the inside of the pipeline. Care is taken to ensure all cables are protected to avoid friction damage against the pipe’s surface. If the pipeline is too narrow for the camera tractor, the camera will be attached to the end of a rigid cable and fed through the line. 

Can a Damaged Sewer Camera be Repaired?

Replacing sewer cameras can be costly. Extend the life of your camera by having it repaired and serviced by a professional. At Joe Johnson Equipment, our service department is equipped to repair many different models of cameras from current manufacturers including Spartan, Envirosight, UEMSI and other quality manufacturers.

We understand that when equipment is in disrepair, it can cost you time and money. That’s why our modern, fully-equipped service facility employs full-time repair technicians to meet your needs. Our extensive inventory allows us to efficiently diagnose complex repair tasks and complete them, minimizing your down-time. In addition to basic repairs and service, we can also handle:

  • Resealing
  • Re-Terminations
  • Camera frame repairs
  • Push cable repairs
  • And more
camera, sewer pipe camera

When you bring your equipment to our facility, we will perform all the required diagnostics and in-depth troubleshooting. Once we have diagnosed the issue, we will provide you with a quote of the cost before moving forward with the repair. Once your equipment is fixed, we will ensure it is working at top performance.

Replacing Sewer Drain Cameras

When repairs are impractical or you are looking to upgrade your equipment, Joe Johnson Equipment offers a wide range of sewer inspection cameras from Envirosight. Envirosight is a trusted brand of choice for video pipeline inspection and is widely used by municipalities, contractors, and civil/environmental engineers.

Using a tablet, Envirosight’s Jetscan series relays a high-def video of pipe conditions, allowing technicians to quickly diagnose trouble spots. Envirosight’s Jetscan is also useful during pipe cleaning processes since it can confirm the job is complete, locate obstructions, and avoid potential hazards such as caving, protruding taps, root balls or anything that may trap a nozzle. Nozzles can be fitted based on the type of terrain you are working with, such as gravel, mud, grease or sludge. A nozzle can save you money in the long term since it allows you to view the pipe instantly without the need to dispense an inspection team. It also maximizes your safety by confirming there are no harmful chemicals, gas, electric or cross bores prior to cutting roots or breaking ground. 

Joe Johnson Sewer Camera Repairs

Whether you’re in the market for a new sewer camera or in need of a repair, Joe Johnson Equipment can ensure your needs are met. Our expert technicians are backed by 25 years of industrial camera repair experience, including mainline crawler systems and push cameras. 

If your equipment is in need of repair, simply send your damaged sewer camera from any location across Canada or, drop it off at a local service facility. We guarantee a quick turnaround and excellent customer service. Contact Us today.

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